Monday, November 30, 2009


So I had palnned on doing the whole “Interview with whoever” thing but I got really tired and decided I didn’t want to do that I just got really lazy and was like I’m not gonna do that. I might do that but I’ve changed my mind I think I’ll do Delicious and that’ll be it.

This topic is about the top 5’s on my life. (Many will be listed more than once)

Top 5…….

Kill Bill vol. 1
Resident Evil
Mean Girls
She’s the Man

Horror Movies
The Exorcist
Thirteen Ghosts
Red Eye

Comedy Movies
Ghost town
Baby Mama
Bride Wars
Kug Fu Hustle

Chick Flicks
She’s The Man
Mean Girls
Bring it On (1&3)
Bride Wars
The Princess Diaries

Guy Movies

Transporter (1 only 2 was ok)
Kill Bill vol. 1
The Long Goodbye
Shoot Em’ Up

Katers 17
Africano boi

Tv Shows
Dexter Laboratory
Family Guy

Obscure artists (6)
Sam Sparro
Zhara Hindi
Miss Li
Andrew Bird
Amie Mirriello

Mainstream Artists (7)
Lady Gaga
Outkast (Andre 3000)
Christina Aguliera
Gnarles Barkley
Daft Punk

Rap Artists
Nicki Minaj
Missy Elliot
Kanye West

Sweeny Todd
Chicago (Movie)
The Wiz
West Side Story

Favorite Children’s Movies/Tv Shows that give me nostalgia
Powerpuff Girls
Angry Beavers
Captain Planet
Magic School Bus

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"V" Review


Some story lines just never get old -- star-crossed lovers, mistaken identity, lizard men from outer space.It's impossible to tiptoe around the main plot device of ABC’s “V” -- those aliens may be smart and purty but they're up to no good -- because it is, of course, a remake of the 1983 miniseries. And even if it weren't, writers Kenneth Johnson and Scott Peters have infused the pilot with as many sly sci-fi references as CG special effects.

Which are pretty terrific, as is the pilot in general. Although fans of the first "V" may find themselves longing for Richard Herd's Supreme Commander in his jaunty jumpsuit and funky glasses, this "V" is not only sleeker, faster and more visually gripping, it promises to be thematically more compelling.Its opening sequence is a masterpiece of back-story compression. What appears to be a temblor startles a series of characters (and an almost flawless cast gathered from various sci-fi hits): Erica Evans ("Lost's" Elizabeth Mitchell) is an anti-terrorism agent with the FBI and divorced mother of Tyler (Logan Huffman), a basically decent but rebellious teen. Chad Decker (Scott Wolf from "Party of Five") is a newscaster who aspires to do more than "read the news"; Father Jack Landry (Joel Gretsch of "The 4400") is a young priest working among the homeless; and Ryan Nichols (Morris Chestnut) has just purchased the engagement ring he hopes to offer Valerie (Lourdes Benedicto).All of their plans are put on hold, however, when the quake turns out to be the arrival of an enormous spaceship, one of a matched set now hovering over all the major cities of the world. But even as the throngs prepare for the requisite scream-flee-and-die scene of mass hysteria, the underbelly of the craft becomes a screen and the lovely Anna ("Firefly's" Morena Baccarin) assures everyone in flawless English (and French and Egyptian) that "the Visitors" are here to offer technology in exchange for a few undisclosed but very renewable resources, and they come in peace.Undone by relief, Anna's Audrey Hepburn haircut and the promise that the Visitors can cure 65 of our diseases, humans, or at least New Yorkers, neglect to consider that they are a renewable resource themselves. Like the gullible little oysters in "The Walrus and the Carpenter," they quickly embrace the "V's," signing up for theme-park-like tours of the ship and, of course, merchandising like crazy.Fortunately, not everyone is convinced. Father Jack preaches caution only to be assured by his pastor that the pope is on board with the V's. Erica worries that "terrorist chatter," though down among many groups, shows one major spike -- one cell seems to be arming itself pretty heavily, planning an attack, she assumes, when everyone is distracted by the aliens.A mysterious old friend is harassing Ryan to man up now that "they're here," but it's Chad who gets the clue to the real nature of the V's. Anna asks him to be her first interviewer only to insist that he not ask anything that might cast her in a bad light. Being a good-looking, ambitious newscaster in a television show, Chad, of course, agrees.The original "V" drew obvious connections between the Visitors and the Nazis, and much has been made over the possible anti-Obama sentiment of this "V." The instant adoration, the attractiveness and rhetorical skills of Anna, the idea that the Visitors will woo us with universal healthcare and then destroy us all seem a right-wingish take on the president's ascendancy.Perhaps that is the creators' intent, but most successful science fiction contains an element of, if not outright humor, then the absurd. That the human race will be enslaved not through brainwashing or firepower but adequate healthcare is pretty hilarious in a dark and almost possible way. And Anna and her crew seem to embody more of a Wall Street deregulated/Bernie Madoff mentality -- big returns for minimum investment. And we all know how that turns out.Just like we all know how these "we come in peace" alien invader tales turn out -- a resistance forms to slowly but surely reveal the Visitors for who and what they are. (Kids, lock up your guinea pigs!) Along the way, they find a sympathetic alien or two, which leads inevitably to interspecies breeding (lizard babies rock!) and the deconstruction of the essence of humanity.But just because something's a chestnut doesn't mean it isn't worth watching. There is a reason we tell the same story over and over again. Our collective longing for an effortless happy ending provided deus ex machina, whether by a political administration, a religious leader or a bunch of dulcet-toned aliens, is humanity's Achilles' heel.As the plot of "V" progresses, no doubt we will see the subtle strangulation of democracy by fascism -- already the press has been corrupted -- and that is a story that cannot be told often enough. Especially when it comes, like the V's, in such a fine, fun and attractive package.

Interview With a Vampire: how it really went.

Interview With a Vampire: how it really went.

Set Up: I am in a room that is similar to a study and its color scheme is a mixture if brown and deep red. I sit in my soft Corinthian leather chair and begin to count the brass rivets on the armrests of the seats. I notice the seat is warm and soft and has a little bounce. There are lights all around me that give me headaches but slowly my eyes adjust. Then the production team brings in a shiny plexi-glass “wall” between me and the other chair I wonder why is this necessary then remember who I’m doing this interview with.

Some background on Central and Eastern Europeans and Russians included, Most use the Cyrillic alphabet, similar to ours but the way they pronounce things is a tad different the main difference is the “W” instead of pronouncing is like “water” they say “vater” their “W” has the “V” sound. So when the interviewee answers questions they will have a “v” in front just know it’s supposed to be a ‘w”

Let’s Begin.

Me: Hello how are you doing today? And what is your name?

William: I am Villiam, and I’m doing fine?

Me: How long have…

William: Vhy is zhis zhing in front of me? (He taps the plexi-glass)

Me: It’s uh here for my protection?

William: From Vho...Me?

Me: Yes.

W: Vhy?

M: Because you’re a blood sucking creature from the night.

W: Oh god, here ve go again. All vampires are not blood suckers…vell, yes ve are but ve aren’t all violent. So can you please move this or I vill cut zhis interview short.

M: Sure. Any funny business and you will get shocked with a cow taser and the wall goes right back up.

W: Okay. Okay…..vait a cow taser?

M: Yes. Back to my questions. How long have you been a vampire?

W: Vell it all started vhen I vas younger, mien fazher vas on a business trip and got bitten zhen he bit me. And zhat’s how it all started? By zhe vay zhat vas 400 years ago.

M: So how do you do it?

W: Do vat?

M: How do you just run up and kill a person?

W: Vell I need to eat and vhen I need to eat I do. Zhis is how it goes. I vun up to a able bodied human and then I bend and expose zhe neck and zhen I just bit and suck, it’s kind of like biting into a uh how do you zay it a uh….apple…then trying to suck the juice out of it.

M: Why do vampires bite the neck and not any other parts of the body?

W: Ve do bite ozher places like the arm but the neck is one of the easiest places to get blood for example it vould be zo hard zo get blood from a chest.

M: What do you think of Twilight?

W: Hate it. Zhe movie is not really hoe vampires act, ve do not drive nice cars, and live nicely, very often ve live alone, and zhat move is stupid.

M: Well thank you William for this interview I think we are done here.

W: Your Velcome, zhank you for having me here vith you.