Thursday, February 18, 2010

ART Blog: Duane Hanson (re-edit)

Sorry about the other post with the two small paragraphs I copy the texts from Wikipedia and fix it up and check it with the author site to verify and somethimes the text is extremely small...sorry here is the actual one.

Duane Hanson was an American sculptor known for his works of people, cast in various materials, including polyester resin, fiberglass, Bondo and bronze. Around 1966 Hanson began making casts using fiberglass and vinyl. Works that first brought him notice were of figures usually of brutal and violent subjects. These works, cast from actual people, were made of fiberglass, then painted to make the revealed skin look realistic. Hanson then clothed the figures with garments from second-hand clothing stores and then arranged the action. Around 1970 Hanson abandoned such gut-wrenching subjects for more subtle ones. In that year he made the Supermarket Shopper, Hardhat, and Tourists. These were also life-sized, clothed, fiberglass figures. These were single or paired figures, not overtly in a violent activity. Hanson died in 1996.

Enjoy some pictures:

Duane Henson

Duane Henson

Duane Henson

Duane Henson

Next weeks Artist: Steve Mills I don't know if any one visits the links i post in here but you realyy should because i only post some of their wokrs there are probably many many more that i simply don't have up here. SO GO THERE!

By the way if you comment can you please comment on the blog page and not relpy in an email it makes me feel like people are actually reading this.

DISCLAIMER: All artwork mentioned in today's blog does not belong to the writer of this blog.. They belong to the above mentioned artist and there is no intention of copyright infringement here. This is strictly for educational purposes and the artworks do not belong to the writer of this blog.

1 comment:

  1. I love the first and second photograph! Reminds me of this photographer I did a project on in the beginning of the year.
